After determining that corrective or disciplinary action is warranted, complete some or all of the following steps: · The warning letter must be given to the employee using appropriate delivery procedures such as proof of service and a copy must be forwarded to the industrial relations department for inclusion in the employee`s personnel file. Consider the following questions at the outset if an employee is not functioning satisfactorily: __[List of behaviours that would require disciplinary action] Be specific and detailed about the incident. For example, instead of writing that an employee was disrespectful, provide details about their actions or words that showed disrespect. In general, corrective measures should be gradual, starting with the measurement with the lowest severity before applying more severe measures. Any formal corrective or disciplinary action must follow the principles of «just cause.» A sample letter can be requested from your employee relations advisor. The investigation must reveal substantial evidence of the employee`s responsibility for the issue of performance or crime. Give the employee the expected improvements and a deadline. Use your company`s manual or policies as a guide to determine appropriate disciplinary action for the crime. Add the corrective actions that are taken if the employee does not make the necessary changes.
The performance or behaviour problem must be properly investigated before corrective action is taken. All employees are expected to meet performance standards and behave appropriately in the workplace. The goal is to guide the employee to correct their performance or behavior by identifying problems, causes and solutions, not by punishing the employee. If the supervisor has issued a verbal warning and the problematic performance or behavior persists, a written warning may be issued. This action can be used more than once, but if the problem persists, repeating letters may not be the solution. A sample letter may be requested from an employee relations consultant. A written warning should: An employee disciplinary action form should be used if there are professional behavioural or performance concerns about an individual that require immediate improvement. Disciplinary action may be taken for inappropriate behavior, security breaches, performance or quality issues, absenteeism, late arrivals, violations of policies/procedures, etc. If the answer to any of the above questions is «no», work with the employee to clear up the confusion. If necessary, help the employee find training or training to develop the necessary skills in their work. Converting «no» answers to «yes» answers can be enough to put the employee back on track to meet performance expectations.
Disciplinary action is required if an employee does not meet the performance standards or guidelines set out and communicated in an employee manual. The employee`s manual usually also contains information on the actions taken in the event of a breach of an expectation. Some common reasons for disciplinary action include: Documentary testimony. If necessary, collect and add witness testimonies and note the location, times and dates. When collecting information, exercise discretion to protect the privacy of the employee in question. An employee discipline form is designed to inform an employee who is unable to follow the policies or expectations set by their employer of the results of their actions. The punitive measure defined in this form will generally be undesirable for most employees, so it would be desirable to document and submit it in writing. A standardized document ensures that this action is maintained at a professional level, while providing a printed record that each party should keep for future reference. A suspension may be the next step in progressive corrective action after one or more written warnings. Typically, suspensions prevent an employee from working and require the employee to leave for one to ten business days without pay, as stated in the letter. Here is an example of a completed disciplinary action form: After a third violation of a company policy, lack of performance, or evidence of inappropriate behavior, a formal employee review may be conducted.
Any history of company concerns or violations should be documented and the employee should be informed of the next steps that may be taken by the manager or company. Appropriate recruiters may be present to ensure that appropriate performance policies and disciplinary measures are taken. To the extent possible, the corrective action process should be a positive collaboration between the supervisor and the employee in order to achieve the necessary improvement, not a punitive measure against the employee. The goal is to guide the employee to correct their performance or behavior by identifying problems, causes and solutions, not by punishing the employee. If there is no improvement or if it happens repeatedly, corrective action may be appropriate. In general, corrective actions should be gradual, that is: start with the measurement with the lowest severity before taking measures with a more serious severity. Any formal corrective or disciplinary action must follow the principles of «just cause.» Once it is determined that corrective or disciplinary action is warranted, in consultation with the Labour and Employee Relations Office, complete some or all of the following steps. The graduated corrective action procedure applies to all employees classified as non-unionized and non-unionized. A disciplinary form should contain relevant information, including: An employee`s disciplinary form should include all relevant details that include the problem and the employee.
Common information that should be included is as follows: This action involves the transfer of an employee to a lower position and can be temporary or permanent. A demotion may be appropriate in case of proper fulfillment of responsibilities at a certain level and not in case of violation of labor regulations. It should be based on a reasonable expectation that the employee will successfully work in the position classified as lower. Contact your Employee Relations Advisor for more information on this action. Suspension without pay – A suspension without pay prevents an employee from working and is without pay for one or more days. As soon as the employee commits a second violation, the employee must be informed in writing by the representative of the responsible company. The notice should include details about inappropriate behavior, performance issues, or policy violations. The employee must be informed immediately of expectations and opportunities for improvement, as well as the consequences if no improvement is achieved. · Take notes in advance of what they want to say; Your company can provide a template for corrective actions, in which case you can simply fill in the blanks to create a record of your employee`s disciplinary actions. If you need to create a form from scratch, provide the following required details: For example, notification of unacceptable behavior can be done by alerting employees to published performance or behavior standards (for example.
B an academic policy or departmental procedure), or by providing prior advice or guidance regarding such behaviour. Failure to comply with these six just cause factors may result in the reversal or challenge of a remedial decision if it is challenged. An employee may refuse to sign a disciplinary action because they do not agree with the warning. .